Development History of Valve Electric Device Industry in China

(I) Start

1965-1973 (9 years in total)

Before 1965, our country did notvalveelectric device products, there is no professional manufacturer. At that time, the main valve users in our country: electric power, petroleum, chemical industry, gold treatment, water supply and drainage and other industries used manual valves due to their generally small scale, low operating parameters and low automation level. Therefore, only a few large factories such as Liaoning Tieling Valve Factory, Shenyang High and Medium Pressure Valve Factory, Shanghai Valve Factory and Harbin Boiler Factory produced large valves, it is equipped with a simple device that drives a worm gear box to open and close the valve by an ordinary motor to solve the difficulty that manpower cannot pull the valve.

, at the valve use site, in order to open and close the large valve, people tied a long lever to the handwheel, which was lined up by several or a dozen young men, pushing the valve to open or close like a grinding.

In October 1964, with the development of my country's national economy, valve users continued to develop in the direction of high parameters, large-scale, and automation. The requirements for valve product varieties, specifications, parameters, and automation levels became higher and higher, and the demand was increasing. Under this situation, in order to meet the needs of the development of China's valve industry, the Ministry of Machinery has decided to set up a valve research office in the General Machinery Industry Institute to plan, design and study the development of China's valve industry in a unified way.

Institute, it attached great importance to the research and development of valve electric device products. In January 1965, the valve room of the General Institute appointed comrades Hong Miancheng and Li Wangshun to Tianjin for investigation and investigation, and decided to designate Tianjin No.2 General Machinery Factory, which originally produced small autoclaves, as the first professional valve electric device factory in China. At the same time, it was decided to set up a joint design team for valve electric devices to carry out design work in Tianjin (historical name: joint design of * * sub-valve electric devices in China). The joint design team was headed by Li Wangshun of the General Machinery Research Institute, Xu Yuxia and Yao Dingxiang of the Beijing Design Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, Zhu Xiaoxian of the Beijing Design Institute of the Ministry of Petroleum, Zhao Zhende of the Fushun Design Institute of the Ministry of Petroleum, and Xiang Meigen of the General Machinery Research Institute participated.

In the first half of 1965, the joint design team completed the design of three models of B, C and D, with a maximum operating torque of 1200Nm. In December 1965, Tianjin Second General Machinery Factory completed the trial production of the valve electric devices of these three models.

In January 1966, Director Fan Li of the Valve Room of the General Machinery Research Institute presided over it in Tianjin. After passing the product appraisal of Type B, Type C and Type D valve electric devices, it was officially put into production in Tianjin No.2 General Machinery Factory to supply goods to users.

February-May 1966, the joint design team continued to complete the design task of E-type valve electric device with a maximum operating torque of 2000Nm in Tianjin. At the end of 1966, E-type valve electric device was successfully trial-produced and put into production. A complete series of product research and development of B, C, D, E and multi-turn valve electric devices have been formed.

limited to the conditions of that era, the components of the first joint design of electrical products were all processed by ordinary machine tools. The box blank of the main parts of the electrical equipment is a sand-shaped gray cast iron, which is processed by a boring machine. Product performance testing equipment is also very simple, the main product performance output torque test, using the most primitive method: lever scale.

This series of products was later renamed ZD series multi-turn valve electric device. In the planned economy era at that time, ZD series of multi-turn valve electric device products spread to Tianjin Xinli Machinery Factory, Chengdu Second General Machinery Factory, Hubei Yingcheng Changjiang Port Valve Factory and other enterprises to produce, in order to meet the increasing demand of customers for valve electric device products.

In 1971, Vietnam, a friendly neighbor of our country at that time, also specially appointed technicians to study the production technology of valve electric devices in Tianjin No.2 General Machinery Factory, and took away the complete blueprint of ZD series multi-rotation valve electric devices free of charge and returned to China for production.

's first joint design of valve electric devices was to achieve a breakthrough in zero valve electric devices in our country. It met the urgent need for valve electric device products in all walks of life and departments (including military departments) of the national economy at that time. Has made positive contributions to the development of our national economy!

, however, due to the technical blockade imposed by Western countries on our country after the founding of New China, the joint design team had no reference materials and started from scratch. At that time, the design team had only a Japanese prototype of the valve electric device, but it was difficult to fully learn from the level of production and processing technology in my country at that time.

Therefore, although the ZD series products jointly designed and completed by * * national valve electric devices already have the basic functions of modern valve electric devices, there are still the following deficiencies:

1. Single product. Only ordinary, non-outdoor and explosive products.

2. Only the multi-rotary valve electrical equipment suitable for gate valves and stop valves, but not the partial rotary valve electrical equipment suitable for ball valves and butterfly valves;

3. Ordinary motors are used and cannot meet the requirements of valve operation characteristics;

4. Cam mechanism is adopted for valve position and torque control, with poor control accuracy;


Therefore, the General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery is determined to reorganize the strength of the valve chamber, increase the number of technicians, and set up a research group on valve electric devices headed by Xiang Meigen and attended by Liu Houfu and Li Deyu to further carry out the research and design of valve electric devices.

In September 1967, the research team arrived at the production site of Tianjin No.2 General Machinery Factory to carry out work. On the basis of in-depth on-site investigation and research on the use of valve electric devices, the research team has undergone repeated design, calculation and demonstration. A new design scheme of valve electric device is proposed.

In April 1968, the research group designed and completed the first set of Y30 typical prototype drawings according to the new design scheme. According to the plan of the research group, a new series of valve electric devices will be designed on the basis of successful trial production of Y30 typical prototype.

According to the plan of the First Machinery Department to arrange a designated production enterprise for valve electric assembly products in the south and north of our country, the research group decided to trial-produce a typical prototype of Y30 new valve electric assembly: the north will be arranged in Tianjin No.2 General Machinery Factory; The south is arranged in Shanghai Valve Factory No. 3.

, it is regrettable that Tianjin No.2 General Machinery Factory has made slow progress because it is already producing ZD series valve electric devices on hand, with both production and sales booming, the market is in short supply, and it lacks enthusiasm for the trial production of Y30 prototype. Shanghai Valve Factory No. 3 is a new designated factory, and the trial production of Y30 prototype is progressing rapidly. In October 1968, Shanghai No.3 Valve Factory completed the trial production of the Y30 valve electric device prototype. After the Shanghai No.1 Bureau of Electromechanical Technology organized experts to pass the technical appraisal of the Y30 valve electric device prototype, it was put into mass production. The products are selected in many electric valve manufacturers in the south such as Shanghai Valve Factory, Shanghai Lianggong Valve Factory and Shanghai Valve No.6 Factory.

Y30 valve electric device not only overcomes the shortcomings of ZD series electric device products, but also truly possesses the * * technical level of valve electric device of that era. Y30 Denso was successfully trial-produced in Shanghai and put into production in batches, laying a solid foundation for the next development of valve electric devices in China.

In 1966, due to the matching needs of the 25,000-ton synthetic ammonia project of Shijiazhuang Chemical Fertilizer Plant, Xiang Meigen of General Machinery Research Institute presided over the design and Rao Shenxiang of Kaifeng High Pressure Valve Factory participated in the design. Shijiazhuang Valve Factory completed the trial production of H-type partial rotary valve electric device. This product is a two-stage worm gear integral structure with a maximum operating torque of 5000Nm.

In March 1968, according to the arrangement of the First Machinery Department, Han Qing of Kaifeng High Pressure Valve Factory was the team leader. The 250N.m multi-rotation explosion-proof electrical equipment designed by the joint design group composed of Xiang Meigen of the General Machinery Research Institute of the First Machinery Department, Ding Renshan of Lanzhou High Pressure Valve Factory and Tan Wenyuan of Shenyang High Pressure Valve Factory was successfully developed by Kaifeng Electric Machinery Factory. After appraisal (the explosion-proof certificate was not shown at the appraisal meeting and was reissued after the meeting), the prototype was tried out in Nanjing Petrochemical General Plant. After improvement by Kaifeng Electric Machinery Factory, in 1972, 42 sets of electrical products were produced and used in Beijing Shougang Fertilizer Plant. Unfortunately, Kaifeng Electric Machinery Factory later gave up valve electric products and did not develop into a professional manufacturer of electric products.

In addition, due to the needs of national project construction, Xiang Meigen, General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery, and Liu Qichang and Xu Zhonglie of Tianjin Second General Machinery Factory participated in the joint completion of the following projects, supporting the design and development of valve electric devices:

1. In 1968, the valve electric device used in the 816 project of the second machine department had a maximum operating torque of 200Nm. In this electric equipment, the planetary cycloid pin wheel transmission mechanism is adopted, which is the first integral, hand-electric automatic switching part of the rotary valve electric device successfully developed by our country;

2. In May 1969, Beijing Dongfanghong Refinery Project, a flameproof partial rotary valve electric device for explosion-proof ball valves. This product uses multi-rotary electric equipment, a superimposed partial rotary electric device connected to a planetary reducer, with a maximum operating torque of 5000Nm;

3. In 1969, it assisted the construction project of Albania's comprehensive oil refinery with a flameproof partial rotary valve electric device;

4. In 1973, the 530 project of the General Logistics Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army was equipped with a flameproof transceiver ball drive device for the Gera refined oil transmission pipeline project, with a maximum operating torque of 5000Nm. This is a flameproof transceiver ball drive device for refined oil transmission pipelines successfully developed in China.

the completion of the above-mentioned many projects supporting the valve electric device products, not only to meet the urgent needs of these projects supporting, but also accumulated a lot of valuable valve electric device design, research and development and production experience, for China's valve electric device industry technology progress and follow-up development, made a contribution, laid the foundation!

(II) development

1974-1996 (23 years in total)

my country's valve electric device industry started from scratch. After 9 years of hard work, it has completed the first joint design and development of valve electric devices, the design and development of Y30 typical prototype, and the design and development of supporting valve electric devices for various engineering projects, filling a series of gaps and meeting the needs of my country's national economic development. But there are still some problems:

first, ZD series products have the problems mentioned above;

Second, ZD series products have a high failure rate in use;

is that there is no unified product standard, which restricts the development of China's valve electric assembly products in the fields of design, manufacturing, ordering, use, maintenance and circulation.

the first two problems above, they have been basically solved through Y30 typical prototype and the development of many projects supporting electrical equipment. Therefore, the Ministry of Machinery decided to start with the formulation of product standards for valve electric devices, paving the way for the development of China's valve electric device industry.

In March 1974, the Petrochemical General Machinery Bureau of the First Machinery Department decided to set up a standard formulation working group for valve electric devices, headed by Xiang Meigen of the General Machinery Research Institute, Zhang Huayou of the General Machinery Research Institute, Liu Qichang of Tianjin Second General Machinery Factory, Jiang Jishun of Shanghai Valve No. 3 Factory, Geng Tinggui of Kaifeng High Pressure Valve Factory, He Fengshan of Shenyang High and Medium Pressure Valve Factory, and Kang Changchun of Liaoning Tieling Valve Factory.

On April 17, 1974, all members of the working group gathered at the "Haicheng Hotel" in Tianjin to carry out work. After in-depth investigation and research, the working group conducted experimental research and theoretical calculations on the technical difficulties involved in the standard, and fully integrated the national valve joint design technical data, the electric valve technical data of each electric valve factory, and each valve electric device factory After the relevant information, since June 1974, the two standards "Draft for Comments" of "Type, Basic Parameters and Connection Dimensions of Valve Electric Device" and "Technical Conditions for Valve Electric Device" were completed ". After soliciting opinions from various factories in the "Draft for Solicitation of Comments", the feedback was summarized and processed, and the "review draft" of the two departmental standards was formed ".

In October 1974, Dong Ying, deputy director of the Revolutionary Committee of the General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery, presided over a standard review meeting in Shanghai. The two ministerial standards were reviewed and passed. Finally, the General Machinery Research Institute completed the "Draft for Approval" and submitted it. After the approval of the Ministry of Machinery, it was formally implemented nationwide. Two ministerial standards, the standard numbers are: JB2920,JB2921.

the implementation of the above two standards has cleared the obstacles and paved the way for the great development of valve electric devices in our country!

At the beginning of 1975, Deputy Minister Zhou Jiannan of the Ministry of First Machinery went to Chaoyang Power Plant in Liaoning Province to preside over the ignition and starting ceremony of the new dual water-cooled generator set. When Vice Minister Zhou pressed the start button, the generator set failed to start successfully. After investigation, the electric valve in the system did not start normally. After the incident, Vice Minister Zhou specially summoned the members of the "Electric Device Research Group" in the valve room of the General Machinery Research Institute to understand the problems of electric valves. To sum up: First, the ZD series electric devices jointly designed for the first time in my country have valve positions. Problems such as ineffective control; second, the valve electric device does not use a special valve motor that meets the operating characteristics of the valve; third, the valve body has quality problems. In August 1975, under the intervention of Vice Minister Zhou, the Ministry of First Machinery issued (75) "Notice on Carrying out Joint Design and Experimental Research of Valve Electric Devices and Valve Special Motor Series" No. 1040, deciding:

1. The General Machinery Research Institute will organize the valve industry to carry out the second joint design of valve electric devices to improve the technical level of valve electric devices;

2. The General Machinery Research Institute of the First Machinery Department shall be the general center, and the Shanghai Electric Power Institute, Guangzhou Electric Power Institute and Nanyang Explosion-proof Institute shall be the center center, and the standards issued by the General Machinery Research Institute of the First Machinery Department shall be the joint design of special valve motor products;

3. The General Machinery Research Institute is responsible for solving the quality problems of electric valves and valve bodies.

The above-mentioned document No. 1040 is stamped with the official seal of "the People's Republic of China First Ministry of Machinery Industry" (commonly known as "Tiananmen Square" stamp), which is the highest level document issued by the state in the history of valve electric device development.

In April 1976, Xiang Meigen, a general machinery research institute, presided over the second national joint design plan review meeting for valve electric devices attended by major domestic valve electric device factories and technicians from Harbin, Shangguo, Wuguo, Beiguo and Dongguo, was held in Beijing Machinery Research Institute. Seven design plans proposed by the electric device research group of the General Machinery Research Institute were reviewed, the "sixth scheme" was unanimously adopted, that is, the scheme of the motor and the main end face of the electric assembly, which is the second joint design scheme of the electric assembly.

was headed by Xiang Meigen of the General Machinery Research Institute, Zhang Huayou and Li Hanwu of the General Machinery Research Institute, Liu Qichang of Tianjin No.2 General Machinery Factory, Jiang Jishun of Shanghai No.3 Valve Factory, Sun Shixin and Duan Farui of Kaifeng High Pressure Valve Factory, Xiao Erkuan of Tieling Valve Factory, Yin Hongyi of Tianjin No.2 Electric Meter Factory, etc., and the second national joint design team of valve electric devices worked in Hefei General Motors. After the summer vacation of that year, the joint design team moved to Shanghai No.3 Valve Factory to continue the joint design work. By the beginning of 1977, it had fully completed the product design tasks of the two new standards JB2920 and JB2921 of valve electric devices, Z series multi-rotation and Q series partial rotation (superimposed), and two series of valve electric devices. These two series, including ordinary type, outdoor type, anti-corrosion type, flameproof type, four types of products, greatly expanded the scope of use of electrical products.

From January 1977 to September 1979, the above-mentioned joint design products were successively trial-produced by Shanghai No.3 Valve Factory (including the outdoor and anti-corrosion tests of the prototype in Guangzhou Electric Power Institute, the explosion-proof tests in Shanghai Coal Machinery Institute, and the on-site operation assessment of Shanghai Nanshi Power Plant), and were successfully applied to the first 300,000-ton ammonia synthesis project in Shanghai Wujing. In December 1980, this series of products was approved by the General Machinery Research Institute.

At the same time, under the general supervision of engineer Xiang Meigen of the General Machinery Research Institute, a joint design working group for standards and valve special motor products of the national valve special motor drafting department was set up. The working group was headed by engineer Zhou Shujun of Shanghai Electric Power Research Institute, Zhang Jinlan of Shanghai Electric Power Research Institute, Chen Weibang and Gao Hongfa of Guangzhou Electric Power Research Institute, Yi Xingmu and Su Chengshan of Nanyang Explosion-proof Institute, Fang Ming and Cai Bilian of Kaifeng Electric Power Research Institute, shanghai Wuyi Electric Machinery Factory Zhuang Zhenbo and Luo Zhanyuan, Shanghai Innovation Electric Machinery Factory Guo Dequ and Shanghai Yuejin Electric Machinery Factory Tao Xuzhou attended. After investigation by the working group, it actively carried out work in Beijing, Shanghai, Kaifeng and other places.

In June 1976, the compilation of special motor department standards for ordinary and outdoor, anti-corrosion and flameproof valves, and the design and development of special motor series products for ordinary and outdoor, anti-corrosion and flameproof valves were all completed. In November 1976, presided over by Cao Weilian, Director of the Science and Technology Department of the First Machinery Department, the above-mentioned two valve special motor department standard review meetings and two valve special motor series product appraisal meetings were held in Guangzhou, and the two valve special motor series product appraisal meetings were unanimously reviewed and passed the approval of the two department standards and the two series product appraisal. Since then, we have bid farewell to the history of special motors without valves in our country.

two special motors for valves are respectively: JB2195-77 "YDF series three-phase asynchronous motors for electric valves" and JB2196-77 "YBDF-WF series three-phase asynchronous motors for outdoor, anti-corrosion and flameproof electric valves".

the above-mentioned valve special motor series products are all used in the joint design of my country's second valve electric device, which has made an important contribution to promoting the technical level of my country's valve electric device and raising it to the international advanced level at that time!

The successful production of the second national joint design product of valve electric devices and the successful production of two series of special valve motors are of milestone significance in the development history of China's valve electric device industry! All this has laid a solid foundation for the development of China's valve electric device industry in the future.

In December 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sounded the clarion call for reform and opening up. The socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics created by Deng Xiaoping replaced the original planned economy, which greatly liberated the social productive forces and greatly promoted my country. The development of the valve electric device industry. Mainly manifested in:

1, the industry team has been greatly developed. In addition to the original Tianjin Second General Machinery Factory and other old factories, the newly joined and newly created enterprises are: yangzhou Electric Power Repair Factory, Changzhou Second Electric Power Factory (now Changzhou Power Station Equipment Auxiliary Equipment Factory), Changzhou Wujin Valve Control Factory (Wu Guo Distribution), Anshan Valve Electric Equipment Factory (Shen Valve Distribution), Mudanjiang Electric Equipment Factory (Ha Guo Distribution), North Valve Control Equipment Company, Huangshan Special Valve Control Equipment Company (predecessor of Huangshan Liangye Valve Co., Ltd., now named: huangshan Liangye Intelligent Control Equipment Co., Ltd.) and so on.

2. New products are blooming and emerging. It mainly includes ZA, QB and other products of Tianjin No.2 General Machinery Factory, as well as "coaxial direct connection type electric equipment" that digests and absorbs British Rotok technology. DZW, DQW series and other electric equipment of Yangzhou Electric Power Building Factory; ZB, ZC, QB and QD series electric equipment of Changzhou No.2 Electric Machinery Factory; LQ and 802 series electric equipment of North Valve Control Equipment Company; huangshan Special Valve Control Equipment Company's HZ and HQ series electrical equipment, etc. Most of these enterprises are enterprises with new product development capability, strong manufacturing capability, strong technical force, products with their own brands, independent intellectual property rights and good quality.

3. Driven by the Ministry's standard JB2921 "Technical Conditions for Valve Electric Devices", China's valve electric device product performance testing technology and equipment have been greatly developed. General Machinery Research Institute, Tianjin Second General Machinery Factory, Yangzhou Electric Power Repair Factory, Huangshan Special Valve Control Equipment Company, etc. have successfully developed a batch of testing devices that meet the requirements of the Ministry's standard JB2921. In particular, Tianjin No.2 General Machinery Factory has complete testing equipment and the maximum testing torque can reach 60000Nm.

4, introduced a number of foreign advanced manufacturing technologies for electric devices. There are mainly the introduction of SMC series electrical equipment from the United States by Tianjin Second General Machinery Factory, the introduction of BF series electrical equipment from Italy by Shanghai Lianggong Valve Factory, and the introduction of Siemens electrical equipment from Germany by Yangzhou Power Equipment Repair Factory.

5. In order to improve product quality and labor productivity, some enterprises such as Tianjin Second General Machinery Factory and Yangzhou Electric Power Repair Factory have specially designed, processed, installed, debugged and completed special machining production lines for electric boxes. Later, driven by the introduction of foreign manufacturing technology for valve electric devices, Tianjin No.2 General Machinery Factory purchased the first horizontal processing center for processing valve electric device boxes in China's valve electric device industry from Qinghai * * Machine Tool Factory in 1986, which played a good exemplary role in the industry. At the same time, Tianjin Second General Machinery Factory also introduced a vacuum carburizing furnace from Japan, which played an important role in ensuring the quality of the imported product SMC.

In 1988, Tianjin Second General Machinery Factory also successfully built my country's first surface painting production line for valve electric device products, which played an important role in improving the surface quality of products.

6, formed a socialized production base for electric equipment products. Mainly distributed in Changzhou Wujin County, Tianjin Second General Machinery Factory and other areas with a good production base. It has formed the socialized production of DZW series electrical equipment (originally the product of Yangzhou Electric Power Repair Factory), QB series electrical equipment (originally the product of Tianjin Second General Machinery Factory) and other products. That is, some enterprises specialize in producing and processing parts of electrical equipment products (in essence, it is only a machining workshop); Another part of the enterprises are responsible for the assembly of electrical equipment products (in fact, it is only an assembly workshop) and sell them after assembling products. At the same time, there are also specialized sales households of electrical equipment products, who often control some electrical equipment users and only sell products to make profits from them.

because the socialized production of electric equipment products is realized, the production cost of electric equipment is reduced. These products tend to sell at low prices, and they cater to the mentality of some customers and seize the market at low prices.

In fact, in such a social environment at that time, due to the socialized production of electrical equipment and the lack of total quality management and control in the whole process of product production and sales, it is difficult to ensure that the product has better quality.

7. With the development of the national economy, the amount of electric equipment is increasing. It is estimated that during the 23 years from 1974 to 1995, the total annual output of the national electrical equipment industry increased from less than 5000 units to about 40000 units, an increase of more than 800%. At the same time, following the needs of customers, the variety of specifications has also greatly increased, and the scope of use has been continuously expanded, which fully meets the needs of the development of various sectors of the national economy.

8. After the Cultural Revolution, in order to narrow the gap between the overall technical level of China's valve industry and that of foreign countries, from October to November 1977, the first (and only) official delegation of the first machine department went to Japan for valve inspection. The valve delegation to Japan was headed by Shen Yanxin of Kaifeng High Pressure Valve Factory and Lian Yuanjian of General Machinery Research Institute as deputy head. Xiang Meigen, a general machinery research institute in charge of valve Denso technology, and Kou Guoqing, a second general machinery factory in Tianjin, participated in the inspection. In Japan, I visited and inspected three valve electric device manufacturing plants, including Japan Gear Company (with American National Mitok Technology), Shimadzu Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (with British Rotok Technology), and Western Electric (with independent intellectual property rights technology), as well as electric valve users (thermal power plants, liquefied natural gas plants, petrochemical plants). The inspection activities were a complete success. After returning to China, two books were compiled and published: "Report on Valve Inspection in Japan" and "Compilation of Valve Inspection Materials in Japan", which caused great repercussions in the industry. Although these two books have been used for decades, they still have reference value in the industry.

, Tianjin No.2 General Machinery Factory decided to introduce SMC series electrical equipment manufacturing technology from the United States through Japan Gear Company, which is one of the results of this inspection of valves in Japan.

In order to digest and absorb the results of this valve inspection in Japan, in the summer of 1978, Yan Yongjun, deputy director of the valve room of the General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery, successfully held a "National Valve Electric Device Technology Exchange Conference" in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. All electrical equipment manufacturers and some electrical equipment user units across the country sent personnel to attend the meeting.

during the transition period from planned economy to market economy, domestic electric equipment technology exchange activities are still very active. In November 1980, Lian Yuanjian, deputy chief engineer of the General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery, presided over the "Second Technical Exchange Meeting of the National Electrical Equipment Industry" in Tianjin. In August 1981, Shanghai Electric Power Institute and General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery jointly presided over the "Technical Seminar on Revision of Standard for Valve Special Motors and Temperature Relay for Valve Electrical Equipment Application" in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province ". These activities have played an important role in promoting the technological progress of China's electrical equipment industry.

9. After 1981, China implemented total quality management nationwide, paid close attention to product quality, and created provincial, ministerial and national activities. In order to cooperate with these activities and promote the overall improvement of the quality of electrical equipment products, in 1985, the General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery presided over the formulation of two departmental standards, namely, "life test procedures for valve electric devices" and "quality classification of valve electric devices", which were implemented in the whole industry. It plays an important role in promoting the product quality of valve electric devices.

under the influence and promotion of the above work, the product life testing technology and equipment of valve electric devices in our country have also been developed. Tianjin No. 2 General Machinery Factory, Huangshan Liangye Valve Co., Ltd. and other major electrical equipment factories have developed their own valve electric device life test benches. However, this is only the conscious action of a few enterprises with strong technical strength and quality awareness, that is, the electric equipment factory mentioned above can do it.

10. With the continuous in-depth research and understanding of valve electric device technology, the General Machinery Research Institute has successively organized industry forces to revise JB2921 "Technical Conditions for Valve Electric Devices" twice.

11 and 1982, ISO International Organization for Standardization issued two international standards related to valve electric devices: ISO5210 "connection of multi-rotary valve drive devices" and ISO5211 "connection of partial rotary valve drive devices". The characteristics of these two international standards are: the valve drive device and the valve are connected in many ways, including claw type, key type, square head type, flat head type, etc., which are convenient for users to choose according to their needs. According to China's policy of actively adopting international advanced standards, in 1989, the National Valve Standardization Technical Committee, equivalent to adopting the above two ISO standards, was transformed into China's national standards: GB/T12222 "connection of multi-rotary valve drive devices" and GB/T12223 "connection of partial rotary valve drive devices".

However, due to the long-term implementation of China's Ministry standard JB2920 "valve electric device type, basic parameters and connection size" in China, the influence in the industry is deeply rooted. Therefore, the implementation of the above two new national standards has encountered some difficulties. The reason is that changes in the original connection form and size will not only have to pay a huge economic price, it also involves complex factors in the manufacture, use, maintenance, supply, circulation and other aspects of valve electric devices, so it is difficult to realize. It can only be recommended to add relevant content in JB2920 when the above two international standards are revised in the future, or to re-promulgate the JB2920 standard after revision.

(III) improvement

1997-2021 (25 years)

the 20th century, information technology has developed greatly in the world, bringing us huge space for the development of valve electric device technology. Since then, the history of valve electric devices in China has gradually entered the era of intelligence. The intelligent valve electric device abandons the conventional electric contact control circuit used by the original valve electric device, and uses a control unit embedded in a microprocessor. It also has a human-computer interaction interface, operating data recording, parameter configuration, and fault self-diagnosis And protection and other functions, and can have a new type of intelligent valve electric device with a digital communication interface.

intelligent valve electric device first appeared in the early 1990s and was successfully developed by British Rotok Company.

in March 1997, Anhui science and technology Committee launched a "difficult bidding activity" facing the whole country ". The so-called "difficult problem bidding" activity is that the Provincial Science and Technology Commission solicits "technical problems" from small and medium-sized enterprises in the province, and through the "China Science and Technology News", "Anhui Daily", "Anhui Science and Technology Information Network" and other news media, to colleges and universities across the country, Scientific research institutes invite bids in order to overcome "problems". Chairman Xiang Meigen of Huangshan Liangye Valve Co., Ltd., based on the new direction and new trend of the development of valve electric devices in the world at that time, judged the hour and sized up the situation, and decisively used this opportunity to apply to the Anhui Provincial Science and Technology Commission and approved the "Research and Development of CNC Valve Electric Devices" This difficult project. Since the term "smart" did not appear in my country's electric device industry at that time, the name of the project was called "CNC" valve drive device, which is actually the well-known "smart valve electric device".

After the "difficult project" was tendered by the media, the Beijing China Association for the Exchange of Foreign Science and Technology won the bid and was approved by the Anhui Provincial Science and Technology Commission.

"research and development of numerical control valve electric device" was officially approved, Anhui science and technology Commission immediately allocated RMB 80,000 yuan to Huangshan liangye valve co., ltd. as the project start-up fund. After the joint efforts of Huangshan and Beijing, at the end of 1998, the first prototype of 300Nm, multi-rotation numerical control valve electric device was successfully developed and sent to Huizhou Waterworks in Huangshan City for industrial operation test. This is the first scientific attempt on modern intelligent valve electric device in our country.

entering the new century, with the continuous expansion of the influence of information technology, it has greatly promoted the rapid development of intelligent valve electric device products in China's valve electric device industry. There are nearly ten strong enterprises, through the introduction, digestion and absorption of foreign intelligent valve electric device technology and combined with independent innovation, successfully developed intelligent electric equipment products with their own characteristics, mainly:

Shanghai Automation Instrument No.11 Factory M, A and other series of intelligent electric equipment;

Wenzhou Ruiji RA, RQ, RQM, RJ and other series of smart electric equipment;

Wenzhou teflon IK, IKT, AK, AKT, AKQ and other series of intelligent electric equipment;

Huangshan Liangye Intelligent Control Co., Ltd. LK, LKZ, LKQ and other series of intelligent electric equipment;

series of intelligent electric equipment such as 2SA3, 2SA8, 2SA9, 2SQD, etc. of Yangzhou Electric Power Equipment Repair Factory;

series of intelligent electric equipment such as SND-ZTD, SND-ZTZ and SND-QTJ of Changzhou Power Station Equipment Auxiliary Equipment Factory;

Tianjin Baili Ertong IMC, IQT, IMT and other series of intelligent electric equipment;

RHA, M and other series of intelligent electric equipment of Chongqing Chuanyi Automation Co., Ltd;


Meigen (first from right) was invited to attend the second plenary session of the International Committee for Standardization ISO/TC153 (Valve)

the continuous development of intelligent valve electric device products in China, it has also promoted the development of intelligent detection technology and intelligent detection equipment for valve electric devices in China. Since 2003, under the leadership of Chairman Xiang Meigen of Huangshan Liangye Valve Co., Ltd., while successfully developing China's first continuous valve opening and closing torque test device, China's first set of "fully automatic and intelligent valve electric device performance test bench" has been developed, which has made important contributions to the progress of valve and electric equipment testing technology in the national valve industry!

In order to ensure the orderly development of intelligent valve electric equipment in our country and effectively control the product quality, the National Valve Standardization Technical Committee organized industry forces. After three years of efforts, it successfully formulated the first national standard GB/T28270-2012 "Technical Conditions for Intelligent Valve Electric Devices" for intelligent valve electric devices in our country, which was implemented nationwide in December 2012, playing an important role in improving the overall technical level of valves in our country!

According to the requirements of China's standardization system, under the leadership of Secretary-General Huang Mingya of the National Valve Standardization Technical Committee, the industry has been organized since 2007. After two years of efforts, two national standards, GB/T24922 "Technical Conditions for Flameproof Valve Electric Devices" and GB/T24923 "Technical Conditions for Ordinary Valve Electric Devices" have been successfully formulated on the basis of the original ministerial standard "Technical Conditions for Valve Electric Devices". Starting from 2010, the nationwide implementation has enabled China's valve electric devices to implement standards and achieve upgrading.

, JB/T8531-1997 "Model Preparation Method for Valve Electric Devices" (revised in 2014),JB/T13597-2018 "Technical Conditions for Valve Electric Devices in Low Temperature Environment" and JB/T13881-2020 "Technical Conditions for Marine Valve Electric Equipment" were successfully formulated.

In June 2012, China's Valve Standardization Technical Committee was invited to send experts on valve electric devices to attend the ISO/TC153/SC2 working group meeting held in Berlin, Germany. At that time, the agenda of the meeting was to revise the two international standards of "connection of multi-rotary valve drive devices" and "connection of partial rotary valve drive devices. Considering the long history, rich experience and solid foundation of standardization of valve electric devices in our country, experts such as Hu Jun and Xiang Meigen who attended the meeting at that time and Mr. Huang Mingya who were unable to attend the meeting in Berlin believed that our country should apply to ISO/TC153/SC2 and China should preside over the formulation of the international standard "General Requirements for Industrial Valve Electric Devices.

In October 2014, the ISO/TC153 Valve International Standards Technical Committee was reorganized, the original ISO/TC153/SC2 sub-technical committee was canceled, and the ISO/TC153/WG1 working group (the working group secretariat is located in the DIN headquarters building in Berlin, Germany) was specially established to coordinate the organizational review of the standard formulation process proposed by our country.

, China's National Standards Committee attached great importance to this suggestion and formally applied to ISO/TC153 in May 2015. Later, in September 2015, discussions and coordination were held at the ISO/TC153 working group meeting and annual meeting held in Paris, France. The meeting made substantial progress in the establishment of standards and contributed to the establishment of * * international standards for China's valve industry.

In order to improve the application materials for the establishment of the standard project, in December 2015, Hefei General Machinery Research Institute organized experts in the electrical equipment industry to hold an international standard seminar on "Technical Conditions for Industrial Valve Electric Devices" in Huangshan, which opened the prelude to the formulation of the standard. After that, under the leadership of Director Huang Mingya of the Valve Institute of Hefei General Machinery Research Institute, the "standard draft" of each stage of the standard, written by Hu Jun of Hefei General Machinery Research Institute and drafted by China, was repeatedly discussed and reviewed at ISO/TC153/WG1 expert review meetings held in Japan, Italy, Germany, France, Britain and other countries. After more than five years of efforts, in January 2020, the standard was officially approved and promulgated by the ISO International Standardization Organization. The standard code name is: ISO22153-2020 "General Requirements for Industrial Valve Electric Devices", which will be implemented worldwide from January 2020. During this period, Mr. Xiang Meigen, an old expert of valve electric devices in China, as a registered expert of international standard ISO/TC153/WG1, participated in the formulation of this international standard from beginning to end and witnessed the whole process of this international standard from scratch.

the promulgation of the "General Requirements for Industrial Valve Electric Devices", an international standard ISO22153-2020 led by our country, and its implementation in the world, has epoch-making significance in the history of the development of valve electric devices in our country.

facts have proved that China's valve electric device industry started in 1965 and went abroad. In January 2020, the ISO22153-2020 of international standards formulated by China was issued. "General Requirements for Industrial Valve Electric Devices" has been implemented worldwide for 56 years:

in terms of industry scale: there are about 100 manufacturers from scratch to now (about 10 industrial factories with scale, product development capability, independent brand and independent intellectual property rights);

in terms of processing capacity: from the beginning of ordinary lathe processing, digital production equipment has been widely used now. The main parts of Denso are processed by a machining center. Box blank parts, small use aluminum alloy die-casting, medium, large generally use resin sand, lost foam and other advanced casting technology, so that the product quality is significantly improved.

in terms of product output, quality, variety, and specifications: from scratch, the annual output is about 200,000 units. The output, quality, variety, and specifications fully meet the needs of all walks of life in the national economy, and some are exported;

from the perspective of product testing technology and equipment: from scratch, it has basically realized the automatic and intelligent testing of valve Denso product quality indicators.

from the aspect of product standards: from scratch to now, not only has a complete valve electrical equipment standard system in China, but also has gone abroad. China has presided over the formulation of the international standard ISO/22153-2020 "General Requirements for Industrial Valve Electrical Devices". Rush out of the country and into the world!

history will always remember everyone who has contributed to the development of China's valve electric device industry!

Created on:2022-12-09 15:44