Key Implementation of Twelve Major Actions Anhui Carbon Peak Implementation Plan Promulgated

Anhui Province Releases "Roadmap" for Carbon Peak Implementation ". On December 7, the Notice on the Implementation Plan of Carbon Peak in Anhui Province (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan") was issued. According to the implementation plan, by 2025, the proportion of non fossil energy consumption will reach more than 15.5%, the energy consumption per unit of GDP will be 14% lower than that in 2020, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will meet the national target, and the basic support for carbon peak will be gradually consolidated. By 2030, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption will reach more than 22%, and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will drop by more than 65% compared with 2005, successfully achieving the goal of reaching a carbon peak by 2030.

At the same time, according to the needs of key industries and regional development in Anhui Province, the "Implementation Plan" also proposes the implementation of the "12 major carbon peaks" such as clean and low-carbon transformation of energy, energy conservation, carbon reduction and energy efficiency improvement ".

to Implement Clean and Low Carbon Transformation of Energy

"Implementation Plan" proposes that Anhui Province will strictly and reasonably control the growth of coal consumption, and strictly implement coal consumption equivalent or reduced replacement for new, renovated and expanded coal projects in key areas for air pollution prevention and control; accelerate industrial parks, public buildings, residential houses, etc. Roof photovoltaic construction, orderly promote the national county (city, district) roof distributed photovoltaic development pilot, and promote "photovoltaic" projects according to local conditions; improve the ability to guarantee the supply of refined oil, open up the "North Oil South" transmission channel and increase the pipeline transmission ratio.

actively strive for clean electricity into Anhui. We will strengthen energy and power cooperation with the western region, promote the formation of full DC delivery capacity in Jiquan as soon as possible, strive to complete and put into operation the Shaanxi-Anhui UHV DC transmission channel in 2025, strive to complete and put into operation the third UHV DC transmission channel "foreign power into Anhui" by 2030, and the proportion of renewable energy in the new channel shall not be less than 50%. By 2025, the scale of green power supply outside the province will reach about 21 billion kilowatt-hours. By 2030, the scale of green electricity supply outside the province will reach about 55 billion kWh, and the proportion of green electricity consumption in the whole society will reach 34%.

In addition, the construction of a new power system will be accelerated. Develop microgrids, local area networks, and DC distribution networks that mainly consume new energy, realize compatibility and complementarity with large power grids, build a new power system with a gradually increasing proportion of new energy, and complete the responsibility weight of renewable energy power consumption issued by the state.

According to the "Implementation Plan", Anhui Province will vigorously develop a new generation of information technology, artificial intelligence, new materials, new energy and energy conservation and environmental protection, new energy vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles, high-end equipment manufacturing, smart home appliances, life and health, green food, Ten emerging industries of digital creativity, promote the high-quality development of major emerging industrial bases in the province, and actively strive to create national strategic emerging industrial clusters. At the same time, we will implement green manufacturing projects and speed up the construction of a "four-in-one" green manufacturing system of green factories, green products, green parks and green supply chains. By 2030, we will have created more than 200 national green factories, more than 50 green supply chain management enterprises, about 30 green industrial parks, and more than 800 provincial green factories.

in promoting the building materials industry carbon peak, strict implementation of cement clinker, flat glass capacity replacement requirements, the implementation of cement normal staggered production, orderly exit of inefficient production capacity.

in promoting the steel industry carbon peak, strictly implement capacity replacement, strictly prohibit new production capacity, in accordance with the law to eliminate backward production capacity.

guides petrochemical enterprises to "reduce oil and increase", reasonably balance the relationship between oil products, olefins and aromatics, and strengthen the efficient utilization of refinery dry gas, liquefied gas and other petroleum refining by-products.

in promoting the non-ferrous metal industry carbon peak, speed up the construction of Huaibei ceramic aluminum new materials and aluminum-based high-end metal materials, Tongling copper-based new materials and other industrial bases, to expand and strengthen Fuyang recycled lead industry.

Vigorously Promote New Energy Vehicles

"Implementation Plan" proposes that Anhui Province will vigorously promote new energy vehicles and promote the replacement of new or clean energy for urban public service vehicles and government official vehicles. By 2025, among the new and updated urban buses, Hefei and Wuhu urban areas The proportion of new energy buses is 100%, and other regions are not less than 80%.

, all new energy vehicles shall be purchased except for special geographical environment, special use and other factors approved by the competent department.

the promotion of electricity, hydrogen fuel, liquefied natural gas-powered heavy freight vehicles, land transportation oil consumption to reach a peak by 2030. In-depth fight against diesel truck pollution. Accelerate the renovation of old ships and develop electric and LNG powered ships. We will speed up the transformation of port power facilities and ship power receiving facilities, improve the utilization rate of ship's shore power, and increase the average annual growth rate of more than 10% by 2025. To improve the level of electrification and intelligence of airport operation, the proportion of electric vehicle equipment in the civil transport airport will reach more than 25% by 2025, and strive to achieve full electrification of vehicle equipment in the airport by 2030.

to Carry out Research on Low Carbon, Zero Carbon and Negative Carbon Technology

the requirements of the "Implementation Plan", Anhui Province will continue to play a good innovation first move, accelerate the construction of a market-oriented green technology innovation system, and promote a green and low-carbon technological revolution.

and strengthen key core technologies. We will implement scientific and technological innovation projects such as "carbon peaking" and "carbon neutrality", and carry out key core technologies of low-carbon zero-carbon negative carbon by means of unveiling the list and competing for horse racing.

and strengthen the construction of innovation platform and talent team. Vigorously promote the construction of Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center Energy Research Institute, and strive to be included in the national energy laboratory base system. We will promote the construction of carbon neutralization future technical colleges and exemplary energy colleges, speed up the construction of relevant disciplines in the fields of "carbon reaching peak" and "carbon neutralization", and encourage universities, scientific research institutes and backbone enterprises to jointly train a team of carbon neutralization professional and technical personnel.

speed up the popularization and application of advanced and applicable technologies. Timely release the list of "three" products such as the first set of equipment, the first batch of sub-new materials, and the first version of sub-software, and adjust the "three" product promotion and application guidance catalog. Carry out low-cost, low-energy carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage technology demonstrations in steel, cement, power and other industries, and accelerate the large-scale application of hydrogen energy in industry, transportation, construction and other fields.

Created on:2022-12-09 15:44